Do you go strong all morning long, but fail to have that necessary ‘pep in your step’ once the mid-afternoon hits? If your energy only lasts for part of the day (thanks to multiple daily deadlines, and dozens of responsibilities) then you may need some healthy habits for beating the ‘fatigue blues.’ Keep reading to learn about some immediate ways you can increase your energy and get more done – right here and right now.
Eat Every 2-3 Hours
Eating is essential for prolonged energy, productivity on the job, stress management and your overall level of happiness. Whether you’re on a mission to lose weight, bulk up, improve your heart health, or simply feel better all around, eating frequently is one of the best ways to feel better, lower your stress and manage your waistline. Do you have a habit of eating a heavy meal during your lunch hour, and then struggle to make it through your afternoon due to being in a food coma? Eat something every two to three hours (a few slices of an apple, a cup of yogurt, etc.) and you’ll never fall into the pitfall of fatigue again.
Exercise in the Morning (to Keep Your Energy Going Strong All Day!)
You already know why you should exercise, and maybe you even do it religiously. Now, it’s time to know ‘when’ you should work out. By exercising in the morning, you can actually increase your energy (not to mention your metabolic rate) all day long. Get up an hour earlier once a week to take that high intensity cardio class, and feel the difference until bedtime.
Remember: Food is Fuel
No matter how you look at it, food is fuel. It’s the quality of ‘gas’ your body and mind runs on all day long—so what will yours be made of? If you want to effectively fight fatigue, focus on a unprocessed, high protein and high fiber diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and plenty of non-sugary liquid. Eat as many greens as you can, and mindfully munch to your day away with endless energy!
Put Yourself on a Strict Sleeping Schedule
Getting adequate sleep every night is one of the best things you can do to zap fatigue. If you’re used to checking your Facebook feed late at night or binge watching your favorite shows on Netflix way past your bedtime, it’s time to put yourself on a strict bedtime schedule. Aim for getting between 7-8 hours of sleep per night, because any less and the wear and tear of chronic fatigue will catch up with you. How? By increased stress, unstable moods, and lower levels of productivity.
Know Your Night Time Eliminators
In order to have endless energy, you need to have high quality sleep. And, in order to have high quality sleep, you need to know what nighttime activity is preventing you from getting a good night’s rest. Are you drinking coffee late at night? Do you have the habit of scrolling through your social media newsfeeds in bed? Are you bringing work into your bedroom? All of these things can drastically affect a sound night’s sleep. Determine what your night time eliminators need to be, and then find several ways you can unwind before hitting the pillow. Is it by taking a bath/shower? Is it by writing in your journal, or stretching? Before getting into bed, unwind properly. Then, you’ll be sure to sleep like a baby—and as a result, wake up energized and ready to tackle your busy day ahead with positivity and productivity!