Everyone says patience is a virtue, and when you’re sitting in traffic, waiting to see results from a new diet or arguing with your significant other—that statement couldn’t be truer. See how you can become more patient in every area of your life with just a little practice.
The best way to practice patience is to meditate. Not only does it help you learn to quiet your mind, but it will likely take a lot of patience to practice each day without giving up.
The most frustrating factor for those new to meditation is not being able to quiet your mind. So, if a thought floats in your mind, accept it. When you resist it, it’ll continue pushing its way into your thoughts. Become aware of these thoughts, or sounds around you, and continue with your meditation.
Set Short-Term Goals
It’s easy to become impatient with yourself when it comes to health goals, whether they’re physical, mental or diet related. The best way to combat this impatience is to set short term goals. Why?
- Short-term goals are easier to track, and you’ll see results from short-term goals faster than your long-term ones.
Once you’ve seen one or two short-term goals come to fruition, set a few long-term ones. This will help you practice patience as you work toward the next big thing. If you become frustrated, remind yourself of past accomplishments—with patience you‘ll see even greater results this time around.
Accept Differences
It’s easy to lose your patience with someone when you don’t understand where they’re coming from or don’t like what they’re doing. However, patience is critical in these situations, especially when dealing with someone you love, and even more so when it’s someone you live with. YourTango.com provides a great solution to losing your patience with these people. Think: CHANGE.
C: Change your opinion of the person’s behavior.
H: Honor the person; focus on who they are, not the behavior they’re exhibiting.
A: Accept the things that you have no power over, and cannot change.
N: Notice the good behavior, and make a point to mention it.
G: Gather others—think: friends and family—to recognize the behavior as well.
E: Encourage your lover, friend or roommate to continue this new behavior.
When you take these steps before losing your patience, and instigating an argument, everyone is happier.
Practicing patience is easier said than done, especially when you’re anxious to hit a new weight-loss goal or annoyed by the actions of someone you live with, for example. With these simple tactics you can improve your patience, making you happier and healthier.