Summer is upon us so in honor of the upcoming swimsuit season here are four barbell exercises to tame some of our most troubling spots.
Barbell side bends – This is a great exercise for your obliques, which will give you a slimmer waist. To do it stand with feet hip-width apart. When your feet are hip-width apart you should be able to place two fists between your feet – more than that is too far apart. Hold the barbell behind your neck and twist toward your right side so that the bar is vertical. Return to starting position and repeat on the left side. Continue for desired number of reps.
Barbell squats – These are great for sexy abs and toned thighs. Begin by standing with feet hip-width apart. Place the barbell behind your neck at the top of your shoulders. Bend slowly, with controlled movement as if you are going to sit in a chair. Take care not to extend your knees beyond your feet. Slowly return to standing and repeat for desired number of reps.
Barbell glute bridge – Tone your tush with this routine. Sit on the floor with a padded barbell on your lap. If you don’t have padding, use a towel or blanket. Lie on your back with feet flat on the floor and barbell placed comfortably just above your hips. Keeping your head and shoulders on the floor, lift your hips off of the floor as high as you can as if to let a small object pass under you. Return to starting position and repeat for desired number of reps. If you are not using a barbell, with arms fully extended join your hands together on the floor beneath your bottom.
Barbell triceps extension – Great for getting rid of batwings. Tone your triceps by standing with feet hip-width apart. Hold the barbell behind your neck just above your shoulders with elbows at 90 degrees. Fully extend your arms above your head using controlled movement. Hold for a few seconds. Return to staring position and repeat for desired number of reps.
Be sure to add in some cardio to boost this barbell routine. Jump rope or add some high knee jogging to get your heart rate up and burn more calories. The first three exercises can be done without barbells, so be sure to include them in your routine even when you are on vacation.