Your fool proof holiday food guide to stay on track for weight loss

The holidays and coming and while you probably won’t gain the fabled fifteen pounds between November and the New Year, you’re likely to gain at least a few unless you have a plan. No plan yet? Never fear… your no fail, no weight gain holiday plan is here. Get rid of guesswork Put healthy eating […]

Ab exercises you can do standing up

Sick of sit-ups, and too pooped to even think about planks? That doesn’t mean you have to settle for the muffin top. You can actually get in a great workout for your abs without sweating it out on the mat. Whittle that extra wattle away without hitting the floor. You get to do these ab […]

Best weight loss program for beginners

The Atlanta Journal and Constitution features a weekly weight loss success story complete with before and after picks. More than any other weight loss program, the featured loser points to Weight Watchers as the program that led to their success.  Looks like they may be on to something. A U.S. News & World Report Article […]

What’s in your gym bag?

The real goal of everything in your gym bag should be to increase comfort and convenience. You’ll have more enjoyment from your workout experience and less reason to flake out when motivation wanes. Here is a list of the basic must haves. Read on to see how your bag measures up. Clean-up time Must have: […]

Gym hygiene for cold and flu season

Colder weather brings more people inside. That means more germs and greater exposure to bugs that cause cold and flu. Use these gym hygiene tips to keep germs at bay and help you stay well throughout the season. Wash your hands This one is a no brainer. Wash your hands for 20 to 30 seconds […]

Regular exercise helps you look and feel young as you age

Think old equals frail? Well, think again. Researchers have found that regular exercise produces bodies that are physiologically younger than their chronological years. Regular exercisers also have more youthful skin and better mobility with aging. When it comes right down to it, exercise isn’t just about looking great at the beach. It is really about […]

I pulled a muscle, now what?

The human body is an amazing machine capable of wondrous things.  We can coax it to conquer new challenges and reach higher levels of strength and stamina. But sometimes, there are hiccups. Setbacks such as pulls and strains while raking leaves or running for the finish line. What is the next best step when you […]

Why You Shouldn’t Compare Your Body to Others

Michelle Obama has incredible, toned arms. Jennifer Aniston has toned, sculpted legs. That woman who runs next to you on the treadmill at the gym has a core you’d die for, and your neighbor has a tiny waist you’d kill for. The truth is, comparing yourself (which everyone does from time to time) is normal, […]

Why Incremental Goals Are Better Than Long Term Goals With Fitness

Incremental goals, which are smaller and more frequent goals, along the way to achieving your weight loss or ultimate fitness goals, are the most important method for success. Read to find out why, and how to set up a goal list, plan and method for your own path to excellent health. The Benefits of Incremental […]

Are meal replacements good for weight loss?

Many “successful” dieters have independently, or as part of a formal program, used meal replacements. That isn’t to say you cannot be successful without this strategy, there are benefits as well as drawbacks. Here are some things to think about. Why consider meal replacements? Convenience The biggest advantage of meal replacements is convenience. Poor planning […]


At Fitness 19, we offer the highest in quality and convenience at a truly affordable price. We don’t require long-term contracts, instead, we believe you should work out because it’s what you want to do.



At Fitness 19, we offer the highest in quality and convenience at a truly affordable price. We don’t require long-term contracts, instead, we believe you should work out because it’s what you want to do.


Free Guest Pass

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Guest passes can only be used once in a six month time period. Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be local resident. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be 18 years old or 12 years old with a parent. Personal Training and Kids Club services available for an additional fee. Valid photo I.D. REQUIRED at check in. See club for complete details. Must redeem at a Fitness 19 location within fifteen days.

By providing your email address and phone number above, you authorize Fitness 19 (and/or its service providers) to contact you via email and/or phone call to schedule an appointment for you to visit the club and redeem your free guest pass.


Free Guest Pass

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Guest passes can only be used once in a six month time period. Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be local resident. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be 18 years old or 12 years old with a parent. Personal Training and Kids Club services available for an additional fee. Valid photo I.D. REQUIRED at check in. See club for complete details. Must redeem at a Fitness 19 location within fifteen days.

By providing your email address and phone number above, you authorize Fitness 19 (and/or its service providers) to contact you via email and/or phone call to schedule an appointment for you to visit the club and redeem your free guest pass.
