Portion sizes: How much is right?

Along with our waistlines, portion sizes have grown larger in the last few decades. Avoid portion distortion by reading labels, downsizing your dinner plate and making comparisons. Try the following tips to right size your portions. Start with your dinner plate In a New York Times article, Your Dinner Plate is Bigger that your stomach, […]

The truth about carb loading

If you are training for a full or half marathon, or another endurance event, you have probably heard the expression “hit the wall,” bandied about. Hitting the wall or bonking describes the extreme fatigue experienced when glycogen stores in the muscles and liver are depleted. Glycogen equals energy. If this has happened to you chances […]

No time for exercise? No sweat? Get it done in just 15 minutes with HIIT

When you’re short on time high intensity interval training (HIIT) is your ticket to fitness that fits your schedule. HIIT describes any exercise that alternates short bursts of high-intensity exercise with periods or slower exercise (think run for 30 seconds and walk for one minute). The beauty of this workout is that it can be […]

Benefits of Working Out (That Don’t Have a Thing To Do With Weight Loss!)

What’s your motivation behind working out, if it isn’t weight loss? As it turns out (and according to thousands of studies done on the subject), there’s a high number of powerful, motivation-inducing reasons to feel the burn, and sweat out those calories. Read on to learn all about them! It Can Actually Reverse Your Stress […]

Lifting Weights vs Cardio – Which One is a Better Form of Exercise?

Sometimes it may feel like the gym is divided up by two teams- those who grunt, lift and bench press their way to a tight and toned body; and those who run, bike, dance, swim and stair climb their heart out— in order to improve their heart health and get a lean body from head […]

Why Am I So Sore After Working Out?

You hit your workout hard, and now it’s time to rest. Or is it? Depending on the type of soreness you have, and what type of workout you just endured, it may be. Keep reading to learn out how, why and when it’s important to take an extra day or rest—and when you can hit […]

Workout tips for new moms

If you’re a new mom, chances are you have less time and energy than you’d like to exercise. Still, you’d like to get your pre-baby body back. As the saying goes, where there’s a will, there’s a way… even when it seems you have less time and more to do. These tips will help you […]

Foods to Avoid Before a Workout

Sneaking in a “healthy” breakfast cookie or muffin, and think it’s ok because you’re about to work it off at the gym? You may want to think again. Low fat and low sugar cookies should be on your naughty food list, because they’re simply not as innocent as they seem. Here’s a list of foods […]

Are Cheat Days Good For Your Diet?

Ah, your cheat day has arrived after a long, challenging week of hard core weights and cardio behind you. The question is, is your cheat day sabotaging your exercise, or giving you the motivation to push through another round of pull-ups and squats? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about cheat days—and […]


At Fitness 19, we offer the highest in quality and convenience at a truly affordable price. We don’t require long-term contracts, instead, we believe you should work out because it’s what you want to do.



At Fitness 19, we offer the highest in quality and convenience at a truly affordable price. We don’t require long-term contracts, instead, we believe you should work out because it’s what you want to do.


Free Guest Pass

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Guest passes can only be used once in a six month time period. Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be local resident. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be 18 years old or 12 years old with a parent. Personal Training and Kids Club services available for an additional fee. Valid photo I.D. REQUIRED at check in. See club for complete details. Must redeem at a Fitness 19 location within fifteen days.

By providing your email address and phone number above, you authorize Fitness 19 (and/or its service providers) to contact you via email and/or phone call to schedule an appointment for you to visit the club and redeem your free guest pass.


Free Guest Pass

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Guest passes can only be used once in a six month time period. Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be local resident. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be 18 years old or 12 years old with a parent. Personal Training and Kids Club services available for an additional fee. Valid photo I.D. REQUIRED at check in. See club for complete details. Must redeem at a Fitness 19 location within fifteen days.

By providing your email address and phone number above, you authorize Fitness 19 (and/or its service providers) to contact you via email and/or phone call to schedule an appointment for you to visit the club and redeem your free guest pass.
