Will drinking diet soda help you lose weight?

On the surface it sounds logical. Fewer calories in your body should equal fewer pounds on your body, right? Wrong! Unfortunately, when it comes to diet soda less is actually more. Here is the bad news straight – drinking diet soda (without making any other changes) will not help you lose weight. Read on to […]

Benefits of Couples Yoga

If you’re a yoga lover, why are you hoarding it all to yourself? As they say, the couple that do yoga together, stay together—so take your relationship to the mat and strengthen your relationship with each downward dog you do! Here’s just some of the many benefits that couples yoga will bring to you and […]

Top Smart Phone Apps For Your Workout

It’s a whole new year, which means it’s time for a whole new fitness app for your smart phone!  Even if you’re happy with the progress you’re making (you’ve lost inches around your middle since January, you squat like a mad man, etc.) everyone could use a little help, and some extra motivation along the […]

Are Two a Day Workouts Beneficial or Too Much?

The only thing better than working out once a day is twice a day…right? Hold on, because when it comes to two a day workouts, the practice is in the approach. As they say, longer isn’t always better. But, if you’re optimizing each workout to blast fat and scorch calories (and you can motivate yourself […]

Why You Should Stay Away From Fad Diets

There is lots of hype surrounding fad diets. When so many people boast of miraculous weight loss results with diets like the cabbage soup or no carb craze it can be easy to get sucked in. Don’t be fooled. Fad diets aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Here’s why you should stay away from […]

Do Recovery Drinks Make a Difference?

Did you know that sports drinks and supplement drink companies make over a billion dollars in sales every year? While you could do without some name brand sugar infused sports drinks after your workout (it’ll just turn to fat), you could benefit from a recovery drink or two to enhance your health and speed up […]

How to Make Weight Loss Fun

If you’ve read the title of this post and it’s peaked your curiosity, we know why: has weight loss ever been fun for you?  Chances are, it hasn’t—and that’s because your conscious mind is associating weight loss with deprivation, while your subconscious mind is tapping into all those times of your past where you tried […]

7 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Move more all day Rev up your metabolism throughout the day to enjoy the benefits of the after burn. You also build more lean muscle mass, which helps your metabolism work more efficiently. Small movements count, too. So fidget, take the stairs, stand when you are on a call, and trade the boardroom for walking […]

“Workouts” You Can Do at Your Desk During the Workday

Got a busy career that makes you feel bound to your chair and desk over 40 hours a week? If you do (and your metabolism is feeling the shocking after effects) we hear ya. That’s why we’ve come up with some ‘deskercize’ options for you. A little movement at your desk can make a big […]

5 Ways to Work Out in Spite of Bad Joints, Arthritis or Knee Injuries

Having an injury or chronic health problem may seem to make exercise out of reach. In fact, exercise is even more important because it helps to relieve pain and improve mobility. Which kinds of workouts are best with bad joints, arthritis or knee injuries? Here are five to try. Body weight exercises These low impact […]


At Fitness 19, we offer the highest in quality and convenience at a truly affordable price. We don’t require long-term contracts, instead, we believe you should work out because it’s what you want to do.



At Fitness 19, we offer the highest in quality and convenience at a truly affordable price. We don’t require long-term contracts, instead, we believe you should work out because it’s what you want to do.


Free Guest Pass

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Guest passes can only be used once in a six month time period. Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be local resident. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be 18 years old or 12 years old with a parent. Personal Training and Kids Club services available for an additional fee. Valid photo I.D. REQUIRED at check in. See club for complete details. Must redeem at a Fitness 19 location within fifteen days.

By providing your email address and phone number above, you authorize Fitness 19 (and/or its service providers) to contact you via email and/or phone call to schedule an appointment for you to visit the club and redeem your free guest pass.


Free Guest Pass

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Guest passes can only be used once in a six month time period. Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be local resident. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be 18 years old or 12 years old with a parent. Personal Training and Kids Club services available for an additional fee. Valid photo I.D. REQUIRED at check in. See club for complete details. Must redeem at a Fitness 19 location within fifteen days.

By providing your email address and phone number above, you authorize Fitness 19 (and/or its service providers) to contact you via email and/or phone call to schedule an appointment for you to visit the club and redeem your free guest pass.
