The difference between vitamins and supplements

Our bodies need vitamins to maintain proper levels of functioning. Most of us are familiar with these organic compounds. Some of the more common vitamins are C, which we get from citrus, D, which we get from things like milk and cheese and A which we get from liver as well as dark green, yellow […]

How to Set Realistic Health and Fitness Goals

It doesn’t matter what your goal may be—to lose inches, to increase your energy, or to simply feel better in the skin you’re in—changing your health and fitness requires a plan of action. Here’s how to set yourself up for success, avoid the goal setting pitfalls and climb your way to the top of the […]

Why your TV makes you fat

Television is the great American pastime. Most homes have at least one and many have more than one. TV entertains, informs, pacifies and captivates us. Unfortunately, it also enlarges us – and not in a good way. Why does TV make us fat?  What can we do to slow the creeping of the pounds caused […]

Feel the Burn, Not the Burnout: How to Avoid Plateaus and Pitfalls at the Gym

Everyone wants to feel the burn, because let’s face it: that’s the true mark of progress in the workout world. It’s what lets you know you’re actually doing something, whether it’s tearing down muscles to make them stronger, or increasing your speed time on the treadmill. No, it’s not always fun, but it’s a milestone […]

Wall Ball technique and a killer 10 minute workout

Many of you have probably suffered through your fair share of wall balls. Here’s a secret – with proper technique you don’t really have to suffer, at least as much. Try these wall ball techniques to get more of the gain with a little less of the pain. Wall ball basics for the uninitiated Wall ball […]

I’ve Met My Fitness Goal. So, What’s Next?

When it comes to losing weight, getting trim, eliminating those ‘trouble areas’ and altogether getting a flat, washboard stomach, ‘feeling the burn’ is a prerequisite for achieving your ideal bod. In fact, if you’ve just met your fitness goal(s), then you know it was no easy feat, but instead the culmination of many different lifestyle […]

The importance of ankle mobility for your squats

According to Eric Cressey, ankle mobility is so important that folks without sufficient range of motion should skip squats altogether. That’s in part because of the risk of injury to the lumbar spine. Like the knee the ankle is a hinge joint. It has two movements, plantarflexion (where the toes point down) and dorsiflexion (where […]

Shoulder Mobility Stretches and Methods to Increase Mobility

You may wonder why you should improve your shoulder mobility, or if it really matters in the grand scope of things. The fact is, as you age your flexibility will decrease and your risk of injury will increase. Your body will change, so why not help make it the healthiest and most flexible it can […]

Isotonic vs. Isometric exercises

It seems there are always exercise terms that pop up and have many of us wondering…am I missing something. Am I doing my fitness routine right? The short answer is you aren’t missing anything and, yes, you are probably doing it right. There is no one right way to exercise. The primary goal is to […]

3 Exercises to Give You a Chest Like a Brick Wall

Ok men, listen up: isn’t it about time you stopped procrastinating, and started devoting yourself to a chest workout that actually works? While your lower body may look like a titan’s and your biceps have become something to gloat about, its time to get a chest like a brick wall—and when you apply these three […]


At Fitness 19, we offer the highest in quality and convenience at a truly affordable price. We don’t require long-term contracts, instead, we believe you should work out because it’s what you want to do.



At Fitness 19, we offer the highest in quality and convenience at a truly affordable price. We don’t require long-term contracts, instead, we believe you should work out because it’s what you want to do.


Free Guest Pass

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Guest passes can only be used once in a six month time period. Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be local resident. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be 18 years old or 12 years old with a parent. Personal Training and Kids Club services available for an additional fee. Valid photo I.D. REQUIRED at check in. See club for complete details. Must redeem at a Fitness 19 location within fifteen days.

By providing your email address and phone number above, you authorize Fitness 19 (and/or its service providers) to contact you via email and/or phone call to schedule an appointment for you to visit the club and redeem your free guest pass.


Free Guest Pass

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Guest passes can only be used once in a six month time period. Limit one per person. First time guests only. Must be local resident. No other discounts can be used with this offer. Must be 18 years old or 12 years old with a parent. Personal Training and Kids Club services available for an additional fee. Valid photo I.D. REQUIRED at check in. See club for complete details. Must redeem at a Fitness 19 location within fifteen days.

By providing your email address and phone number above, you authorize Fitness 19 (and/or its service providers) to contact you via email and/or phone call to schedule an appointment for you to visit the club and redeem your free guest pass.
