Being a new mom is such an exciting and busy time. With so much to do you may feel like there is no time left for you. Take heart. These easy moves feel like play time to baby, but they are a workout for mom. Give them a try. Exercising with baby is a great way to spend bonding time while you get in a little self-care. You will get your heart rate up, burn a few calories and get a little energy boost to boot. Be sure to check with your doctor and get the all clear before starting your post-pregnancy exercise plan.
Bundle baby for a walk
New mothers often complain of cabin fever; and you have good reason. With so many demands and so much required to prepare, getting out of the house can feel like a challenge you just don’t have the energy to tackle. Take a walk. You can wear just about anything and you don’t even have to worry about doing your hair. Wear baby in a front or rear carrier, grab your house key and head for the invigorating fresh air. Just a 10 or 15 minute walk can help you banish the blues, let you check in with neighbors (without worries about how the house looks) and of course get in some exercise. Check off your workout with a brisk walk and feel like a champion for the day.
Too cold, hot or rainy to get out? Stay in and dance. Your mini partner will love the feeling of being dipped, twirled and turned to the beat. Go for fast tunes so you work up a bit of a sweat
Baby weight
Squats (lower body workout) – Stand with feet a bit wider than shoulder length apart. With your little one in a front carrier and feet facing forward, bend your knees as if preparing to sit in a chair. Hold for a few moments and return to standing. Go for three sets of 10.
Tummy toner – Lie on your back with feet on the floor and knees bent. Place baby on your belly facing you. Keeping your knees together, lift your feet so that your calves are parallel with the floor and your knees are just over your hips. Now raise your head and shoulders toward baby. Try for 2 or 3 to start.
Flying baby (arm workout) – Sit comfortably on the floor with your legs crossed and back straight. Hold baby (facing you) at the waist with your elbows bent. You should be about eye to eye. Now raise your little bundle high so that your elbows are extended and she feels the excitement of taking flight. Complete three sets of ten. You can rest baby on your knees too for a short break.
Try to get in some movement as many days as is possible, but don’t overdo it. Set realistic, individual goals for reaching a comfortable weight. Every new mother is different so avoid the temptation to compare yourself to someone else. Celebrate your own progress and keep working toward your goals.